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About Us: Nurturing Truth and Connection Through Collaboration

Our founders, Janice Caudill and Dan Drake, embarked on a shared mission rooted in the belief that truth forms the bedrock of intimacy. In the midst of conversations about their shared values, beliefs, and practices regarding disclosure, they discovered a common thread – a passion for creating exercises that guided clients through the disclosure process in a partner-sensitive, trauma-informed, and relationship-nurturing manner.

In their collaborative efforts, Janice and Dan acknowledged their unique approaches to disclosures. This realization led them to understand that there isn’t a singular “right” way to navigate disclosures; instead, there are various decision points for couples to co-create their personalized disclosure experiences. A shared vision emerged – to assist clients in achieving disclosures aligned with their desires and needs, fostering a sense of teamwork and delivering an experience that was both wanted and necessary.

Our offerings extend beyond workbooks to encompass workshops and specialized trainings. We empower couples to collaboratively restore truth, and our Restoring Truth Model Disclosure Guide Trainings provide professionals with an addiction and trauma-informed, polyvagal sound, and empathy-cultivating method for facilitating full disclosure. Our commitment to supporting couples is further exemplified through our ‘Find a Guide’ resource, connecting individuals with professionals specifically trained in the Restoring Truth Full Disclosure process.

Dr. Janice Caudill headshot

Janice Caudill

A Texas psychologist licensed in 40 states. She is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Supervisor, a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist Supervisor, a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist Supervisor, a Partner Betrayal Trauma Therapist, an Intimacy Anorexia Therapist, a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and is EMDR trained.

Dan Drake headshot

dan drake

A licensed therapist in Los Angeles, California. He is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Supervisor and a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist Supervisor, and he is EMDR trained. He has received two master’s degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary in Marital and Family Therapy and in Theology.

Full Disclosure workbook set

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